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How I setup Nextcloud


My Nextcloud install is run on 2 vms and an LXC container, this is to spread the load over more servers.

web02 is the webserver, it runs nginx and only nginx php02 is the PHP server, all the data is stored here mysql02 is the DB server, it runs MariaDB docker swarm (2 nodes) is where I have the notify_push container

Installed things

Nginx has been installed from the repo, if your on a pi and want a newer version. Go have a look at

PHP is installed from as it has PHP from 5.6 all the way up to 7.4, I use an Ansible role to get the repo setup and install all the things I need.

MariaDB is from the Debian repo, so a standard install. I have made changes to the my.cnf to make it run in 1GB of memory.

nextcloud gets installed from the zip file from, I then do steps to move the old version left and setup the new version (more below).

Nextcloud steps

To get nextcloud upgraded or installed I follow this list of steps

New Install
